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Dec 5, 20232 min read
Safe AI coaching solutions - a look at art
Secure AI coaching solutions show transparently what kind of space the interaction between humans and AI takes place in.
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Dr. Friederike Redlbacher
Dec 4, 20233 min read
AI coaching is the future - Symbolon is doing pioneering work
Europa geht mit Risikoverhinderung und German Angst ans Thema KI heran. Es braucht mehr Mut und Pioniergeist, um die Chancen zu entdecken!
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Dr. Friederike Redlbacher
Sep 26, 20235 min read
What does art do in professional coaching?
Many people feel a need to grow and develop within themselves. Hardly anyone wants to make the same mistake twice or let opportunities...
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Christine Kranz, MCC & Dr. Friederike Redlbacher
Mar 9, 20233 min read
On the move! Career development from leader to manager
Career development, be it one's own or that of one's employees, is a question of self-optimization: from sports cars to off-road vehicles!
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Interesting articles on the topic of reflective competence in business.
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