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Interviews and presentations on Symbolon Coaching (in English)
Experience Symbolon-Coaching with artworks for yourself with Christine Kranz (0:21:56)
Interview with Dr. Friederike Redlbacher about AI, Art, and Coaching (0:37:30)
Lecture ICF Oman: Coaching with Symbols and Archetypes with Christine Kranz (MCC) (1:25:34)
Symbolon Method: Coaching with Works of Art, Symbols and Archetypes
Lecture ICF Signapore: Group Coaching with Artworks with Christine Kranz (MCC) (1:21:26)
Interviews and presentations on Symbolon Coaching (in German)
Symbolon Kunst-Coaching selbst erleben mit Christine Kranz (MCC)
Quod.X Bloggerdialog mit Roger Koplenig und Christine Kranz
Symbolon-Methode: Coaching mit Kunstwerken, Symbolen und Archetypen
Symbolon-Tauchgang in die Tiefe der Reflexion
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